Coates, Ethel

Zone d'identification

Type d'entité


Forme autorisée du nom

Coates, Ethel

forme(s) parallèle(s) du nom

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      Autre(s) forme(s) du nom

      • Ethel Sheila Coates

      Numéro d'immatriculation des collectivités

      Zone de description

      Dates d’existence



      Ethel Sheila Coates was born in Carbon, Alberta to John Hubert Coates (an immigrant homesteader from London, England) and Edith Coates (Tirney) on January 16, 1922. She grew up on her parents’ farm, but spent most of her school years in Toronto (where her mother was from) and completed high school in Alberta. Her niece suggests that she may have had some formal training as a secretary, and an Ethel Sheila Coates is listed as having passed the Canadian federal government’s stenographers’ civil service exams in May 1941.

      She left the family farm and moved to the Northwest Territories alone and worked for Imperial Oil in Normal Wells for a number of years in the 1940s. It appears that she was one of the few secretaries or female employees living and working in Norman Wells, and that she chose to remain there after the wartime project (the Canol project) was completed. According to her niece, she loved the Northwest Territories and referred to her time there as the best time of her life.

      Later she moved to Devon, Alberta, where she lived and continued to work for Imperial Oil for approximately thirty years in total. In Alberta, she worked at the Leduc gas plant, which opened in 1950, and taught skiing at the local Devon ski hill. She traveled extensively internationally in the 1950s and 1960s. She did not marry.

      She identified as an environmentalist, and established the Coates Conservation Lands as a bequest to the Edmonton Area Land Trust. She died in August 2014 in Devon, Alberta.


      Statut légal

      Fonctions et activités

      Textes de référence

      Organisation interne/Généalogie

      Contexte général

      Zone des relations

      Zone des points d'accès

      Mots-clés - Lieux


      Zone du contrôle

      Identifiant de notice d'autorité

      Identifiant du service d'archives

      Règles et/ou conventions utilisées



      Niveau de détail


      Dates de production, de révision et de suppression

      RS created AtoM record in February 2021


      • anglais


      • latin


      Anthony, Ray. Petroleum History Society Oral History Project Transcript. Interview by Aubrey Kerr. April 9, 1985.

      Edmonton and Area Land Trust (EALT). "Celebrating a Family Legacy." October 1, 2018.

      Esso Annuitant Club Toronto North (EACTN). “In Memory.” Quarterly Newsletter. October-December 2014.

      Geological staff and model of field, [Northwest Territories?]. NA-4450-56. 1944. [Image features Charles Stelck; O.D. Boggs; Sluzer; T.P. Storey; Ethel Coates; Bernice Sullivan.] Glenbow Library and Archives.

      “John Hubert Coates.” (Obituary) The Calgary Herald, February 15, 1975, p 58.

      Mackenzie, W. Don C. Petroleum History Society Oral History Project Transcript. Interview by Betty Cooper. June 1982.

      “Stenographers Pass Civil Service Exams.” The Calgary Herald, May 10, 1941, p 2.

      Notes de maintenance