[Dorothy Minoza of Fort Providence demonstrating quill weaving at the craft display, Hay River Arctic Winter Games. Published in Native Press, April 7, 1978, page 16. Photographer: Tessa Macintosh.]
[Portrait of unidentified woman. (Gina Aldolphus or Gina Neyelle (Menacho)?)]
[Greg Bayha, Veronica Bayha and Pauline Roache. Woman and two children in Fort Franklin (Deline)]
[Napoleon Kenney and his daughter Marlene Kenny. Girl chewing gum during meeting in Fort Franklin (Deline)]
[Woman (Alice Mackeinzo) sitting on cardboard mats inside a partially covered tipi frame, with a kettle on a metal fire pit beside her. Photographer: Greg Stirling]
[Children playing on swings. Phillip Modeste and Kevin Andre. Photographer: Lena Baillargeon]
[George Kodakin (smoking), unidentified man and Isadore Yukon (right) by CF-QNP airplane in Fort Franklin (Deline)]
[Several adults at desks in Deline (Fort Franklin). Ernie Takazo, Alfred Betsidea and teacher George Cleary. Possibly an adult education class. Photographer: Lee Selleck]
[Portrait of young girl, Margaret Sewi]
[Elders at a meeting in Deline (Fort Franklin) Joseph Bayha, Jimmy Cleary and Louie Taniton.. Photographer: Maurice Cleary.]
[Three men in the Great Bear Co-operative store at Deline (Fort Franklin). Morris Tetso in middle, David Tetso in beaded jacket. Published in Native Press newspaper March 3, 1978, page 5, February 16, 1979, page 7, and April 27, 1979, page 4. Photographer: Maurice Cleary.]
[Inga Garlund is wearing protective eyewear and footwear. Photographer: Lee Selleck. Published in Native Press newspaper February 26, 1982, page 1]
[A portrait of a man (Victor Rabesca) at a community meeting in Fort Rae (Behchoko). Photographer: Shirley Tsetta]
[A portrait of a man (Jimmy Gon) sitting in Behchoko (Fort Rae). Photographer: Ross White.]
[A portrait of a woman (Monique (Ekendia) Mackenzie) sitting outside in Behchoko (Fort Rae). Photographer: Ross White.]
[A portrait of a man (Harry Kludgi) inside a home in Fort Rae (Behchoko). On the wall behind him are a crucifix and a telephone. Photographer: Shirley Tsetta]
[A portrait of a woman (Monique Williah) outside in Behchoko (Fort Rae). Photographer: Ross White.]
[A portrait of a woman (Melanie Wedawin) sewing outside in Behchoko (Fort Rae). Photographer: Ross White.]
[A portrait of a man (Joe Beaulieu) sitting outside in Behchoko (Fort Rae). Photographer: Ross White.]
[A portrait of a woman (Marie Louise Bishop) wearing a headscarf at a community meeting in Fort Rae (Behchoko). Photographer: Shirley Tsetta]