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Archival description

The DAT contains the recording of a lecture given by Mary Firth and Francois Paulette. Francois Paulette, a hunter and trapper from Fort Smith and Chief of the Fort Smith Dene Band, spoke on "Dene Culture and Spirituality." Mary Firth spoke on her life experiences and those of her parents.

Northwest Territories. Department of Justice and Public Services. Museums and Heritage division

The recordings are of the Dene Nation General Assembly held in Fort Good Hope in July of 1980. Item 0001 covers July 22; 0002-0004 July 23; 0005-0006 July 24; 0007-0010 July 25; 0011-0015 July 26; 0016 July 27.

Northwest Territories. Department of Justice and Public Services. Museums and Heritage division. NWT Archives

The material has been divided into three series. Series A (sound recordings) has been subdivided into 3 sub-series. Series A, Sub-series 1 - consists of eight recordings (:0001 to :0008) of an alcohol workshop conducted by the Dene Nation at Snowdrift in 1980. Series A, Sub-series 2 - consists of three sound recordings (:0009 to :0011) of Dene fiddle, drum dance and hand game music recorded in Snowdrift in 1980. Series A, Sub-series 3 - consists of seventeen interviews conducted in 1980 (:0012 to :0028). Series B (text) consists one of administrative file on the Oral History Compendium and one file with summaries of three interviews. Series C (photographic) is a colour print (:0029) of Frank Tetcho and his wife Madelaine at Trout Lake.

Northwest Territories. Department of Justice and Public Services. Museums and Heritage division. NWT Archives

The sound recordings consist of seven scripts of Christmas stories from the Northwest Territories and Nunavut researched and written by Erica Tesar (PWNHC) and produced by the Department of Information with technical production by Pat Monahan of the Native Communications Society. Performers included Bob MacQuarrie, Clive Tesar, Barbara Dillon, Val LeBlanc, Candice [Candace] Savage, Cathy MacQuarrie, Pat Monahan, Fred Norwegian, Margaret Mackenzie, Leonie Kannuk, and the Gumboots. The stories include dramatizations of New Year's 1799-1800 at Fort Chipewyan, a 1917 RNWMP patrol on the barrenlands, Christmas 1821 and 1822 on the ships Fury and Hecla, Christmas 1872 on an ice floe during the Polaris expedition, Dene Christmas celebrations, the opening of Kativik Community Hall in Iqaluit in 1974,Inuit Christmas celebrations, and Christmas in Yellowknife 1938.

Northwest Territories. Department of Justice and Public Services. Museums and Heritage division
G-1985-007 · Accession · 1983-1984
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Justice and Public Services fonds

The collection consists of sound recordings of interviews conducted by Marc Stevenson, transcripts of interviews, and copies of historic photographs depicting Inuit and the Baffin region collected from the Public Archives of Canada. The sound recordings include: an interview in August 1983 with Etoangat at Kekerten whaling station; interviews conducted by Marc Stevenson at Kekerten and Pangnirtung in August 1984; and one apparently unrelated recording of an interview with an Inuk elder. The transcripts appear to be copies of twelve interviews conducted by Jaypeetee Akpalialuk in March 1984. The people of these interviews include: Kunugsiq Nuvaqiq, Shaimaiyuk Simon, Annie Alivatuk, Koagak Akulukjuk, Towkie Maniapik, Malaiya Akulukjuk, Martha Kakee, Sowdloo Shukulak, Etoangat Aksayook, Katchoo Evik, Koodloo Pitsulak, and Nowyook Nickutimusie.

Northwest Territories. Department of Justice and Public Services. Museums and Heritage division. Archaeology section
G-1992-036 · Accession · 1982-1983
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Justice and Public Services fonds

The recordings, often referred to as the Dene Music Project, were made at four different Dene communities and each performance consisted of numerous songs. For identification purposes, each performance or recording session has been given a unique item number regardless of the number of physical tapes or songs it may incorporate. Included among the recordings are the master reels (:0009) compiled from a selection from original recordings. These reels were to be used in the production of the published record. Reference cassettes for most of the recordings are available. The textual records consists of documentation on each of the recording sessions. The black and white photographic negatives and corresponding contact sheets were taken during the recording sessions. Final appraisal and selection of the photographic negatives (items :0010-:0088) was completed in March 2013. Items :0004, :0006 and :0008 - original masters are cassettes. All other items have reel to reels as original masters.

Northwest Territories. Department of Justice and Public Services. Museums and Heritage division