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The images document traditional food preparation techniques of the Inuvialuit, including the use of the drying rack at fish camps; Inuvialuit elders; as well as archaeological sites, such as burial sites, sod houses, and the corrals once used to herd reindeer. The images also document the archaeological excavation team and their own camps. Examples of scientific phenomena such as ice push and shoreline erosion are shown. In addition there are photographs of the DEW-Line, Tuktoyaktuk harbour, heritage sites, oil exploration and oil rigs at McKinley Bay, and artificial islands. Aerial photographs document wildlife, Mackenzie Delta communities, and geographic features such as pingoes. Caribou, swans, eider ducks, siksik (ground squirrel), the jellyfish of McKinley Bay and other wildlife are shown. Locations include Tuktoyaktuk, Reindeer Station, Anderson River, Whitefish Station, Stanton, Warren Point, Nicholson Point, Kittigazuit, Husky Lake, Wood Bay, and North Star Harbour. Specifically in Tuktoyaktuk, there are photographs of significant buildings used formerly or still being used. These include the Roman Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Mission Warehouse, 'Our Lady of Lourdes' (ship), the RCMP barracks, the Anglican Church, and the Hudson's Bay Company staff house.

The audio consists of interviews with elders from the Tuktoyaktuk region on various topics such as toponyms, hunting, and traditional life. The corresponding transcripts make up the 30 cm of textual records.

Video footage includes drum dancing, traditional food preperation and interviews with elders regarding tradtional place names.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Tuktoyaktuk Traditional Knowledge Project

The colour slides depict community buildings (schools, churches, hospitals), people, scenery, activities and special events in the following communities: Hay River, Fort Simpson, Fort Norman, Rae, Port Radium, Lac La Martre, Fort Good Hope, Fort Franklin, Fort McPherson, Tuktoyaktuk, Yellowknife, Coppermine, Jean Marie River, Fort Liard, Nahanni region, Aklavik, Fort Resolution, Fort Smith, Fort Providence, Wrigley, Fort Fitzgerald, Arctic Red River, Reindeer Station, Whale Cove, Norman Wells, Iqaluit and Rocher River. In addition, 19 black and white photographs show children and housing conditions in Yellowknife and on Latham Island in 1969. There are also several images of Rae that portray people, the church, Treaty time and Chief Susie Bruneau. The majority of the films were produced by the Government of the Northwest Territories for different departments; the subject matter of the films deal with Prohibition in the North, education, the Mackenzie Bridge and life in the North.

This accession consists of strategic planning documents, vision papers, survey results, and program descriptions related to the department's development and use of Internet-related services and infrastructure. It includes "From Vision to Reality: Strategies for the Use of Information Networks to Address the Needs of ECE" as well as records from the Information Networks Development Project, Information Networks Steering Committee, and Communication Networks Development Project.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Information Networks division

The records are related to ECE-led interagency committees and working groups as well as ECE programs including NWT Teacher Qualification, Adult Basic Education Curriculum Development, Teacher Induction, GNWT Training Group, Secondary Diamond Industries Working Group, Nunavut Unification Human Resource Development Strategy, Canada-NWT Agreement for French and Aboriginal Languages, and the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Steering Committee. Also included are Senior Management Committee meetings, Minister's Statements and Briefing Notes, and an agreement signed between ECE and the Dogrib Community Services Board.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. College and Career Development division

Records include an evaluation of the NWT Literacy Strategy, a funding agreement for the construction of a francophone school in Hay River, and agreements related to scholarship and bursary programs for post-secondary students.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Strategic and Business Services division

Records include chronos generated by the offices of Jackson Lafferty as Minister of Education, Culture and Employment; Dan Daniels as Deputy Minister (January to May); Gloria Iatridis as Acting Deputy Minister (May to August); and Gabriela Eggenhofer as Deputy Minister (September to December).

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Directorate

NOTE: This accession is currently being processed and not all of the content will be available for access.
The majority of the productions were developed between 1981 and 1995 from the Department's studio location in Yellowknife. Featured programs include "The Tube" and "The People." In addition, there are a variety of unique productions about northern subjects, traditional knowledge, and coverage of major political and social events in the Northwest Territories. There is also a selection of material that was produced for the Government of the Northwest Territories in order to inform residents about programs and services offered through various Government Departments.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Information Networks division

This material was generated by the renovation project of Our Lady of Good Hope, Roman Catholic Church in Fort Good Hope. The textual records include reports on the history of the building, its condition before and after the renovation, and the renovation work itself. The blueprints document the specifications for the renovation project. The majority of the photographs document the building itself; there are also copies of photographs of people in the community.

The audio recordings consist of an interview with D'arcy Arden recorded February 26, 2001 (2 cassettes) and one DAT tape recorded in April 1996 of George Blondin telling stories. The Darcy Arden interview deals with the early days of ice roads and his family history. The other recording is of George Blondin telling stories: Moose hunting, Netting Fish, Fishing Chat, Otter Medicine Legend, Setting Rabbit Snares, Trapping, Trapping chat, Caribou legend. The Blondin recording appears to recorded both in English and Slavey. The textual records appears to be an English translation of the Blondin stories.

One file consisting of correspondence, public consultation documents, reports, and other material related to the development of regulations under the Education Act. Most of the documents discuss regulations relating to private schools; other topics include home schooling and how student records should be kept.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Policy and Planning division

Records include chronos generated by the office of Jackson Lafferty as Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, as well as records of the Residential Schools Interagency Committee, including minutes, presentation materials, correspondence, and documentation of travel and hospitality expenses.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Directorate

Accession consists of a pamphlet of The Dogrib Caribou Skin Lodge exhibit that was displayed at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre in 1998. There is also a guide published in 1995 by Education, Culture and Employment on how to properly conduct oral traditions research. Additionally, there is a report on the Northwest Territories Heritage Training Needs Analysis Study in 1993.

G-2022-061 · Accession · 1999-2010, predominant 2008-2010
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment fonds

Records include Minister's and Deputy Minister's chronos, files related to interdepartmental initiatives, materials from the department's Executive Committee, and a report on a review of the Official Languages Act.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Directorate

The textual records include an English transcript of interviews conducted with Whati elders in 2001 on the subject of the fur trade. The sound recording, entitled 'Trading Among the Dogrib People', contains the interviews, which were conducted in Tlicho (Dogrib). Speakers include Alexis Flunki, Mary Madeleine Nitsiza, Jimmy Rabesca, and Louis Simpson. Topics discussed include trading with the Hudson's Bay Company, trapping, running errands, and the role of women in the fur trade.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment (1992-present)

Records include photographs depicting the communities of Tungsten, Wrigley, Jean Marie River and Trout Lake. The slides were taken between 1981-1985 and show school classrooms, community buildings, people and scenery around the communities.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment (1992-present)
Archaeology video collection

The videos are entitled "Kittigazuit: The Lost Village" produced by the National Museums of Canada (Betamax), two videos produced by the Canadian Museum of Civilization entitled "From a Long Time Ago" (VHS) and "A Distance of Time" (VHS) that describe archaeological research in the Northern Oil and Gas Action Plan (NOGAP) and "Frozen in Time: The Franklin Mystery" (Umatic) which documents the exhumation of the Franklin graves on Beechey Island. This video was produced by Tinsel Media Productions.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment (1992-present)

Records date from 1980-1997 and consist of minutes of meetings from Section Heads Staff Meetings, Cultural Affairs, Collections Committee, Exhibit Committee and Senior Management Committee (ECE). Records also include an annual report from the Public Records Committee and a file from the Records Management and Deputy Ministers Committee that includes comments from the NWT Archives. There are also promotional and development files from Education Services for events such as Heritage Day, Amazing Sundays and Open House, as well as files from the Geographic Names program including a decision paper about the program, as well as material concerning the transfer of the toponymy program from the Federal Government. Records also consist of a Heritage Training Assessment from the Museum Advisory Management section, a file concerning the reorganization of Culture and Heritage Division, strategic planning files and an Audit Bureau report on the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, as well as the response from the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre to the report.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Culture and Heritage division (1992-1997)