The photographs depict Wood Buffalo National Park, Yellowknife, Hay River, Fort Resolution, Jean Marie River and the Great Slave region. The photographs include images of park wardens and their stations, forest fire monitoring and control, an abattoir for butchering bison, and fishing operations in the Great Slave Lake area. The fishing vessel 'Peter Pond' is featured prominently. Many of the pages of the first album that originally housed the photos were stamped with 'Conservation and Management Services' which appears to be a federal government division responsible for renewable resource management and conservation enforcement in the area.
Fougere, RobertBuffalo [Bison] Elk Island Park 1954
Log warehouse - Yellowknife 1954 [Federal Government building, Latham Island by McMeekan Causeway]
Log warehouse at Yellowknife 1954
Fire Suppression Warehouse 27th Baseline 1954
Fraser and MacDonald Admiral and Chipewyan skiff, 27th Baseline - 1954
Robert Douglas. Game Warden (on reverse). [Man in fur coat, hat and boots.]
Waterfront Con Mine - Yellowknife 1954
Buffalo [Bison] Elk Island Park 1954
Warden Boxer, Mrs. Boxer & family, Yellowknife 1954 [Bert, Marg, Teddy & Donny Boxer. Outside Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources/Northern Administration & Lands Branch/Yellowknife Warden/Mammalogist offices on Latham Island]
Warden Boxer, Mrs. Boxer & family, Yellowknife 1954 [Bert, Marg, Teddy & Donny Boxer. Outside Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources/Northern Administration & Lands Branch/Yellowknife Warden/Mammalogist offices on Latham Island]
[Fort] Resolution 1954
[Fort] Resolution 1954
Warden Establishment and Indian Affairs Office, Yellowknife - 1954 [Latham Island by McMeekan Causeway]
[Fort] Resolution 1954
Warden's residence, [Fort] Resolution, 1954
Patrolman Harry Balsillie, [Fort] Resolution, 1954
[Fort] Resolution 1954
[Fort] Resolution 1954
Patrolman [Harry] Balsillie [Fort] Resolution 1954