The videos are entitled 'Nurse'. Produced by Goldi Productions in 1986, each of the videos contains four one minute spots. One of the videos in is English, the other two are in Inuktitut and Slavey respectively.
Registered Nurses of Association of the Northwest Territories and NunavutRecords consist of curriculum material and are divided into two series: 1) material generated by the Programme Development Division and later the Linguistic Programmes Division of the Department of Education and 2) material generated by other sources. Series 1 consists primarily of workbooks, dictionaries and readers in Dene and Inuit languages. Some of the workbooks and readers are the result of work undertaken in 1974 to establish a common alphabet for the Dene languages. The material has been arranged chronologically to show the relationships between workbooks and readers whenever possible. Series 2 consists of a small portion of material gathered by the Department of Education from other sources including the Council for Yukon Indians and the Summer Institute of Linguistics Inc. in Calgary.
Records include a booklet for prospective teachers, school calendars, and stories told by Tlicho and Chipewyan elders. The calendars include organizational charts, staff lists, and lists of Local Education Authorities. The booklet "Teaching in the Northwest Territories" was used to recruit teachers and contains information about the people, government, education system and living conditions in the North, as well as how to apply for a teaching position. The stories were likely used as a classroom resource or in developing curriculum material, and include Dogrib (Tlicho) legends and Chipewyan oral history stories, all handwritten in English. The Tlicho legends were told by Elizabeth Mackenzie, Nicholas [?] and Madeline Pea'a, translated and written by Virginia Football, and include legends about the bear, the mountain, Yamozaha, sign of a massacre, moon boy, Monla Jeezon, flint stone, Na-sy-dae, mother's story and Old Fort. The Chipewyan stories were told by John Jm. Beaulieu, Napolean Lafferty, Johnny Nataway, Francoise Nataway, Pierre Freezie and Helene Unka; they were written and translated by Dora Unka and include stories about the Metis, illness, war with Akaitcho, treaties and hunting.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education. Education Programs and Evaluation divisionThe images were taken at Fort McPherson, Fort Smith and Fort Franklin. Featured in the photographs are elders, traditional games and activities. They are not identified beyond geographic location. There are also images of the Perry Expedition and what appear to be Department of Interior - Yukon and Northwest Territories Branch photographs. In addition, there are images from throughout the arctic, with the majority appearing to be of the Keewatin Region.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education. School Programs divisionRecords include photographs taken by Georgie Stone in the process of preparing a magazine article on northern artists. Featured are two Inuvialuit carvers, Iyak (Fred Trimble) and Rex Goose, and one Inuit graphic artist, Peter Ragee of Cape Dorset. Images depict the artists while carving and drawing, and finished works.
Stone, GeorgieRecords include moving images documenting Joe Nasogaluak telling his life story. He is speaking Inuvialuktun during the recording. There is also footage of him drumming and singing. It appears that the footage was recorded by his son William Nasogaluak over two days in the late 1980s. The original video was recorded on two Beta videocassette which were loaned to the NWT Archives for copying to Betacam videocassettes.
Nasogaluak (family)This accession consists of several prints (plate illustrations) of explorers, colour illustration of "arctic fauna" (German titling), colour illustration of "Eskimoes of Hudson's Bay", letter from Sir Clement Markham (3 Feb. 1898) , copy of a "Notice to Mariners frequenting Davis Strait.
Records are comprised of a booklet produced by the department explaining Project Surname. The booklet was authored by Abe Okpik, the Project Director, with an introduction by Commissioner Stuart Hodgson. Three copies of the booklet are available, one in English, one in syllabics and one in Roman orthography Inuktitut.
The photographs depict Michel Sikyea, his family and friends over a 30 year period.
Records include audio recordings that June Helm and her research associates - including Nancy O. Lurie, David M. Smith and George Tharp - made with a number of northern aboriginal people. The recordings are of Tlicho (Dogrib), Slavey and Chipewyan people, and include notable leaders such as Chief Jimmy Bruneau and Naedzo the Bear Lake Prophet. The recordings include stories, personal messages, songs, interviews and linguistic data. The recordings also include an interview of June Helm that was recorded and aired on CBC in 1965. The dates of the other recordings are 1955, 1962, 1967, 1969, 1970 and 1971. The 23 original master audio reels and 10 original master audio cassettes were reformatted to CD (24 bit SDII files) in 2002.
The textual records consists of a postcard by Henry Busse, dated July 8, 1962 and sent to June Helm's mother Julia D. Helm. It was written by June Helm while she was in Rae researching the Dogrib handgame with Nancy O. Lurie. The colour photographs consist of a 1954 photograph of Mr. And Mrs. Angus Sherwood of Norman Wells, as well as a photograph of Phoebe Nahanni and her younger sister in 1952. The two black and white photographs are copy prints from the National Museum of Canada (Canadian Museum of Civilization). They are pictures taken by June Helm in 1957, of Gregoire Shae and Alfred Sauten in Fort Good Hope.
Records include photographs taken by June Helm and Teresa Carterette during their field work in Jean Marie River in 1951 and 1952. Subjects include Teresa Carterette, June Helm and people in Jean Marie River.
Included are files related to promotional materials produced by the department. Subjects and titles include safe sex, "Women's Health Care Rights, "Getting Ready for your Visit to your Health Care Provider", women's self esteem. There are also records related to abortion, AIDS, and the provision of dental services. The videos are primarily promotional videos produced by or for the department. The video pertain to proper nutrition and include the following titles: "Northern Nutrition", "Facts about Junk Food", "Healthy Eating and Exercise the Northern Way", "Buying Food", "Power over Diabetes", "Nutrition During Pregnancy", "Infant Nutrition" and "Dene Bush Food and Canada's Food Guide". Some of the videos are available in English, Dogrib, Chipewyan, South Slavey, North Slavey and Inuktitut.
Northwest Territories. Department of Health and Social Services. Population Health divisionRecords include copies of photographs collected by Nick Sibbeston. Many of the images show members of the Sibbeston family and other people from the Fort Simpson area.
Many of the sound recordings are episodes of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) program "Dene Gonde."
Records are comprised of photocopies of documents found among Father LeMeur's papers shortly after he died. Included are English translations of Father LeMeur's Inuvialuktun radio program broadcast over CFCT Tuk Radio, a manuscript entitled "True Experiences- Men of the North," a notebook in Inuvialuktun and miscellaneous papers most of which are also in Inuvialuktun.
The record is comprised of a handwritten one page census report for 1871 'Statement of the Indian population of the Mackenzie River District', listing total numbers of Indian (Indigenous) residents by Men/Women/Children (boy/girl). Posts reported include: Youcon [Yukon], LaPierre's House, Peel River, Fort Good Hope, Fort Norman, Bear Lake, Fort Nelson, Fort Liard, Fort Simpson, Fort Providence, Hay River, Fort Resolution and Fort Rae.
Canada. Census BranchItem # :0001 (running time 10:00 min.) entitled "Lacombe Monument" shows missions in Alberta. Included are images of Indigenous costume and the construction of a teepee. Item # :0002 (running time 8:50 min.) entitled "Fort Providence" shows Catholic missions along the Mackenzie River. It would appear to document the tour of a bishop to the various Catholic missions in the Mackenzie region. Included in the footage are views of Fort Providence, Fort Simpson, Fort Good Hope, and Tsiigehtchic (Arctic Red River). The footage shot at Fort Simpson shows the treatment of a burn victim after one of the mission buildings burned. The footage shot at Fort Good Hope focuses primarily on the landscape and river in that area. The views of Tsiigehtchic show the church building and a "loucheux dance."
Records include video recordings containing oral history interviews with prominent citizens of Fort Simpson including Albert Faille, Ted Trindell, George McPherson, Marguerite and Baptiste Squirrel, Red Thomason, and Joe Squirrel. In addition there is also footage of the breakup of the Mackenzie River. The footage was shot in 1972.
Records include photographs taken primarily during John A. MacRae's time with the RCMP in the Northwest Territories. The images include: (:0001) [John A. MacRae] in winter clothing; (:0002) John A. MacRae in standard RCMP uniform; (:0003) Henry A. Larsen and John A. MacRae by the St. Roch; (:0004 & :0005) native woman and child.