The sub-series consists of records relating to the first Metis Heritage Project undertaken by the Metis Association during the 1970s. The project included gathering records and photographs from various sources, including individuals and archives, which documented the history of the Metis people in the Northwest Territories. The records include copies of textual records from other institutions and publications, copies of photographs of Metis life from other institutions and family albums, original photographs of Metis Association events, genealogies, research notes, and finding aids. The copied textual records include correspondence, government records, annual reports, journal excerpts from missions and fur trade posts, notes from treaty parties and half-breed scrip commissions, journals and memoirs of private individuals, newspaper and magazine clippings, and excerpts from books.
The files have been maintained in their original order and several distinct groups of records are apparent: copies of textual records, topical reference files, family reference files, research material, catalogues and finding aids, and copies of photographs.