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Kraus family fonds
120 · Fonds · [ca. 1934]-1987

This fonds consists of 583 photographs, most of which depict images of the Kraus' daily activities and the visits of local residents and many travelers to their home, and a 16mm colour film. The pictures are from the Nahanni area and include views of the Kraus' residences at Kraus Hot Springs (now in Nahanni National Park) and Little Doctor Lake. There are also photographs of Darrell Pfeiffer sculpting busts of Gus and Mary Kraus.
The 16mm film, which is the original master and the Betacam copy, the archival master, depict pesonalities from the Nahanni Butte/Fort Simpson area in the early 1960s, including Gus and Mary Kraus, their son Mickey Kraus, Dick Turner, Father Posset and Albert Faille.

Kraus (family)
Pierre Duchaussois fonds
121 · Fonds · [ca. 1929]

This fonds consists of 197 photographs of Dene, Inuit, and members of the clergy in group portraits, hunting with decoys, dogs hauling lumber and the Catholic Church mission boat Immaculata. Locations include: Arctic Red River, Slave River rapids, Bloody Falls, Aklavik, Fort Smith, Coppermine River, Fort Resolution, Herschel Island and St. Albert (Alberta).

Duchaussois, Pierre
122 · Fonds · 1914, 1963-1990

Records are primarily the records of the Western Constitutional Forum and the Constitutional Alliance. These records document the organizations' administration, finances, community liaison and public relations activities, research activities and publications, and interactions with member organizations including the Dene Nation, Métis Association, Legislative Assembly, Tungavik Federation of Nunavut (TFN), Inuit Tapirisat of Canada (ITC), Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC), Committee for Original Peoples' Entitlement (COPE).

The records include incorporation records, terms of reference, bylaws, action plans and activity reports, correspondence, audio recordings and minutes of meetings, workshops and conferences, budgets and financial statements, funding agreements, job descriptions, press releases, newspaper articles, newsletters, research papers and reference materials, publications, including audio versions of the pamphlet series in North Slavey (Dene Kǝdǝ́), South Slavey (Dene Zhatıé), Chipewyan, Tłı̨chǫ, Gwich’in, Inuvialuktun, and Inuinnaqtun, speaking notes, presentation slides (textual and photographic), photographs of the signing of the Iqaluit Agreement, and maps showing tentative boundaries, and information relevant to division.

The accession also includes related records from the NCF and member groups of the Forums and Constitutional Alliance (Dene Nation, Metis Association, Legislative Assembly, Tungavik Federation of Nunavut, Inuit Tapirisat of Canada, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, COPE, and Dene/Métis Claims Secretariat) such as bylaws, meeting minutes, action plans and activity reports, annual reports, resolutions, financial statements, newsletters, discussion papers, correspondence, and press releases.

Constitutional Alliance of the Northwest Territories. Western Constitutional Forum

The series consists of records relating to member organizations, Indigenous organizations, governments, and other external groups that the Western Constitutional Forum interacted with, including mandate documents, policies, meeting material, correspondence, budgets and financial records, activity reports, funding agreements, press releases, discussion papers, and other internal records of the organizations.

Edward Whittaker fonds
123 · Fonds · [1917-1921]

This fonds consists of 86 black and white photographs (4x5 copy negs) copied from a photo album. The images have been arranged in the order of appearance in the original album, although not all of the prints were duplicated. The locations depicted include Fort Fitzgerald (Alberta), Fort Smith, Fort Resolution, Fort Providence, Pine Point, Hay River, Fort McPherson, Fort Norman, Wrigley, and Fort Simpson, as well as locations enroute. The images are primarily of settlements, campsites, missions, people, and various types of water transportation, such as stern wheelers, steamships, canoes, and scows. The fonds also contains images of the Norn family and one photograph of John Hornby.

Whittaker, Edward
Ralph Edwards fonds
124 · Fonds · 1930-1934

This fonds consists of 26 black and white prints. The images show Chipewyan shelters in the Fort Resolution area, fox pelts hanging behind the Northern Traders post in Fort Resolution, the graves of John Hornby, Edgar Christian and Harold Adelard, a Dene summer camp on the Taltson River, Dene women with caribou tanning frame and caribou.

Edwards, Ralph
Otto Lahser fonds
125 · Fonds · 1898-1899

This fonds consists of a copy of a typed version of the diary of Otto Lahser. The diary describes the journey taken in 1898 and 1899 down the Athabasca and Slave Rivers to Great Slave Lake and then down the Mackenzie River to the Peel River aboard the boat "Enterprise." The diary includes details on weather, people they encountered and their attempts to locate gold.

Lahser, Otto
126 · Fonds · 1989

This fonds consists of recordings of the various sessions of the 13th annual conference of the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women. The original recordings are on 32 audio cassettes which have been copied to DAT audio tape.

Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women
127 · Fonds · 1970

This fonds consists of copies of the typed minutes of the Hamlet Council meetings held February 25, 1970 and November 18, 1970. It includes the Accounts Payable for November 30, 1970 and a copy of By-law 12.

Fort Simpson (NT)
128 · Fonds · 1959-1967

This fonds consists of mimeographed copies of typed minutes from meetings of the following: Advisory Committee of the Local Improvement District of Fort Smith (November 1959 to March 1964); Council of the Corporation of the Village of Fort Smith (April 1964 to September 1966); Council of the Corporation of the Town of Fort Smith, (October 1966 to December 1966). In addition, there is a copy of a brief: "The Choice of a Capital for the Northwest Territories," dated November 1965.

Fort Smith (NT)
13 · Fonds · 1970-1994

This fonds consists of 180 black and white and colour negatives, 30 videocassettes (VHS), 1 Beta cassette recording, 102 audio cassettes, 8 audio reels and 3.5 metres of textual records generated by the Northwest Territories Public Service Association (NWTPSA) and the Union of Norther Workers (UNW) between 1970 and 1994. The records have been arranged into four series: textual records, photographs, sound recordings and moving images. The textual records were then organized into six sub-series: Minutes of Full Executive Meetings, Minutes of the Triennial Conventions, Minutes of Meetings of NWTPSA and UWN Locals, Newsletters, Collective Agreements and UNW Filing System. The textual records document the development of the union movement in the Northwest Territories and the increasing politicization of the union's membership. They also document the internal administration and operations of the NWTPSA and the UNW, and their relationship to the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC). The records also depict the relationship between the NWTPSA, UNW and the Northwest Territories Federation of Labour (NWTFLA). The textual records contain information on convention procedures, elections, the collection of union dues, revisions to By-Laws and Policies, and the transfer of federal employees to the territorial government. The sound and video recordings were made at the Triennial Conventions and the Full Executive Meetings. The photographs were taken at the Triennial Conventions, Full Executive Meetings, and at individual members' work-sites. In addition, there are images of such political action campaigns as the annual Day of Mourning ceremonies, marches in support of striking workers at the Inuvik Housing Authority, Royal Oak Mines Limited, the federal government and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers.

Union of Northern Workers
133 · Fonds · 1939, 1982

This fonds consists of 12 purchase orders of the then named Eldorado Gold Mines Limited, dating from April 25 to November 23, 1939; and one manuscript, titled "The Eldorado Epidemiology Project Health Follow-Up of Eldorado Uranium Workers: Historical Description Appendices of Main Work Sites", Number 3, prepared for Eldorado Nuclear Limited, dated December 1982. The text is composed of four descriptions of events relating to Eldorado's history, by separate authors: E. H. (Ted) Nagle - "Gilbert Labine: Great Bear Lake 1929-30"; F. J. (Tiny) Peet - "Great Bear, Eldorado and Briefly Port Hope in the 1930s"; R. G. (Bob) Jenkins - "Port Radium and Beaverlodge"; and F. W. Melvanin - "The Port Hope Refinery." The 1939 purchase order book is annotated with the names of employees.

Eldorado Nuclear Limited