Records include settlement reports and Community Transfer Committee records, ministerial chronos including Premier's chronos from 2001, Senior Management Committee (SMC) records, Committee of Aboriginal Rights minutes and correspondence, and files from the Minister of Renewable Resources generated between 1986-1988.
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. DirectorateRecords date from 1977-1995, and consist mainly of ministerial correspondence and chronos of various departments, including Finance, Education, Renewable Resources and Transportation, as well as chronos from the Office of the Premier. This accession also includes one file from the Pine Point Closure Committee, several files from the Office of Devolution, and files related to Forestry and the transfer of Forest Fire Services in the NWT.
Records date from 1978-1987 and consist mainly of ministerial chronos of various portfolios including Education, Renewable Resources, Culture and Communications, Economic Development and Tourism, as well as reports and correspondence from the Leader of the Executive from 1978-1983.
Records date from 1980-1994 and include meeting minutes, correspondence, reports, and records of decision produced by the Priorities and Planning Committee which worked within the Priorities and Planning Secretariat to review initiatives, programs or policies before going before Executive Members. Records also include minutes and correspondence generated by the Political and Constitutional Development committee.
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. Priorities and Planning SecretariatRecords date from 2001-2003 and consist of chronos generated by the Office of the Premier during Stephen Kakfwi's tenure.
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. DirectorateRecords include meeting minutes and associated correspondence generated from Deputy Ministers' Meetings and chronos from the Office of the Secretary to Cabinet.
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. Cabinet SecretariatRecords date from 2003 and consist of chronos generated by the Office of the Premier during Stephen Kakfwi's tenure.
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. DirectorateRecords consist of chronos generated by the office of Premier Joseph Handley, 2004-2005.
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. Cabinet SecretariatThe records include Premier's Chronos, Secretary to the Cabinet's Chronos, Deputy Minister's planning sessions briefing binders, Deputy Minister's Senior Management Committee meeting materials, and Department of the Executive Senior Management Committee meeting materials.
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. DirectorateThe records consist of committee records from the Executive Senior Management Committee, Special Joint Committee on Non-Tax-Based Community Affairs, and Special Committee on the Implementation of Self-Government and the Sunset Clause, the Public Committees, Boards and Councils Handbook, and chronos (correspondence) from the Premier and Secretary to Cabinet (2007-2010).
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. DirectorateRecords include the 15th Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories Members' Orientation & Transition Manual (Volumes I and II) and various associated committee records and presentation slides.
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. Legislation and House Planning divisionThe records include the Rules of the Legislative Assembly (13th and 14th Assemblies), legislative agendas (14th and 15th Assemblies), transition briefing books (14th and 15th Assemblies), and Cabinet House Strategy Meeting packages for the 15th Assembly. The records have been arranged by Assembly.
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. Legislation and House Planning divisionThe records include briefing binders from 2011 Deputy Minister and Cabinet retreats and draft transition binders for the 17th Legislative Assembly.
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. Corporate Communications divisionRecords include chronos generated by the office of Floyd K. Roland as Premier of the Northwest Territories.
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. DirectorateRecords include a briefing book for the Government House Leader as well as Cabinet House Strategy Meeting packages for the 16th Assembly. The meeting packages include agendas, Legislative Assembly Orders of the Day, lists of oral and written question and statistics, calendars, house business summaries, house motions, correspondence, briefing materials, decision papers, and other informational materials.
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. Legislation and House Planning divisionRecords include terms of reference for Committees-of-Cabinet and associated Deputy Minister committees and an agenda, minutes, and meeting materials from the Deputy Ministers' Devolution Committee.
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. Cabinet SecretariatRecords date from 1998-1999 and consist of Ministerial and Deputy Minister chronos.
Northwest Territories. Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development. DirectorateRecords date from 1996-1999 and consist of Ministerial chronos.
Northwest Territories. Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development. DirectorateRecords include Ministerial and Deputy Minister chronos.
Northwest Territories. Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development. DirectorateRecords consist of Minister, Deputy Minister and Director chronos related to the division.
Northwest Territories. Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development. Trade and Investment division