Records include photographs taken at Labine Point, Great Bear Lake. The images depict Philip St. Louis, an aerial view of Labine Point, and a Canadian Airways plane refuelling. One photo may have originally belonged to F. M. Boland.
Records consist of a report on prospecting and mining operations in the Great Slave Lake area, which includes a number of adhered photographs. Also included are two shorter reports on prospecting and mining in the Great Slave Lake and Great Bear Lake regions, related correspondence, and seven plans noting mineral claims around the Great Slave Lake area.
This accession consists of one map entitled "Plan of Cameron Bay Settlement" compiled from surveys conducted by M. Meikle D.L.S. on August 25, 1933 and produced by the Department of the Interior. The map is scale: 100 feet to an inch. Cameron Bay was the name of the town that sprang up after Gilbert Labine's discovery of silver and radium. The settlement was officially named Port Radium in 1937 and then renamed Echo Bay in 1965. The locations and identifications of Royal Canadian Mounted Police buildings appear to have been annotated on the original map.
The negatives were made from photographic prints taken by the donor's father Frederick B. "Ted" Watt. The images date from 1929-1933 and include first air mail flight to Aklavik, images of floatplanes and pilots, prospecting and staking activities and the establishment of the Cameron Bay settlement and mine.
This accession consists of five diaries for the years 1932 to 1936 at the Eldorado Gold Mines Ltd. Labine Point, Great Bear Lake, NWT. The period of 1932 and 1933 resembles a ledger recording daily operations, personnel and duties. From 1934 to 1936 the nature of the diary changes and no longer records the personnel, duties, etc. and begins to record accounts of life at the mine, visitors, sicknesses and includes reports of accidents such as drownings and disappearances.
Lahti, Arne, b. 1917Photographs mainly depict the Bear Exploration and Radium, Ltd. (BEAR) mine site at Contact Lake.
Davis, Arthur P., 1914-The textual records include correspondence, a radio licence issued by the federal Dept. of Marine, and one letter from BEAR Assistant Superintendent, George K. Foster. Photographs depict BEAR radio equipment, personnel, camp buildings, and the surrounding area. Two images also depict Back's chimneys at Old Fort Reliance.
Davis, Arthur P., 1914-This accession consists of 11 black and white photographs featuring people, a camp at Yellowknife, the connecting of Yellowknife's first electrical wires, and the first gold brick poured at Yellowknife.
Seright, YvonneThe photographs document some of the first buildings erected at the Con Mine camp in Yellowknife.
Richardson, TomThis accession consists primarily of photographs of the Con Mine site. Images include interiors and exteriors of buildings, personnel, and company planes.
Maranda, Theodore H.Records include photographs of Port Radium and Cameron Bay during the 1930s. The images depict life at the uranium mine, recreational activities, mining operations, mining employees, transportation and wildlife in the area. In addition, there are images of Fort Resolution, Fort Reliance, water transportation along Great Slave Lake, whaling and trapping.
This accession consists of 24 black and white copy negatives depicting mining activities in the western sub-arctic. Included are photographs taken at Eldorado and Port Radium in 1935. Some of the photographs have been identified using Mr. Peet's book.
Peet, Fred, 1908-The images date from the late 1930s and include subjects such as Negus mine, camp life at Negus, Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company Ltd. (Con mine), cat trains, water transportation, buildings such as the Wildcat Café, Yellowknife Hotel, Yellowknife Drug Store, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, as well as images of many unidentified people.
Records were created by Peter M. Porter during his time employed as resident watchman/caretaker on Outpost Island in Great Slave Lake, 1938-1940. The records include Porter's journal from November 15, 1938-July 26, 1939, which gives a day-by-day account of life alone on the island. Other records include corresondence from Slave Lake Gold Mines, merchants, and friends, September 1938 to February 1940.
Porter, Peter M.The images depict the Con and Negus Mine sites in their early days.
Willing, LeonardThis accession consists of 6 photographs of the construction of the Bluefish River Hydro Dam for Con Mine.
Venneraasen, MartinThe black and white photographs date to the late 1930s and early 1940s and depict buildings and activities in Yellowknife and at the Con, Giant, and Ptarmigan mine sites. The colour photographs were taken in Yellowknife during a reunion trip in the 1980s and feature buildings in the Yellowknife area.
Carmichael, JamesThis accession consists of three black and white photographs of Yellowknife showing part of the Con Mine camp (:0001), the Yellowknife Hotel (:0002), and the hospital (:0003).
The photographs show various people and activities in and around Yellowknife including mining operations, aircraft, boats arriving and departing, hunting and fishing trips. The blueprint sketches show two different views of the Con Mine buildings.
Pilkington, George, 1914-This accession consists of 27 black and white photographs of Yellowknife and the surrounding area featuring mine sites, road construction and buildings.
Borden, L.F.G. "Bob"