Records include documents on a variety of subjects collected by Commissioner Hodgson, including constitutional development, resource development of proposed zinc mining on Cornwallis Island and the 1970 NWT Centennial celebrations.
Records include the rules and procedures for the NWT Council (predecessor of the Legislative Assembly), a bound report from 1983 entitled "Proposal for the Legislative Building" and committee files including minutes and research material from the Special Committee on Constitutional Development and the Special Committee on the Division of the NWT.
Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly. Corporate Services divisionRecords include research material, correspondence and discussion papers surrounding NWT Constitutional Development and the work of the Advisory Commmittee on the Development of the Government of the Northwest Territories.
Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly. Corporate Services divisionRecords date from 1972-1983 and relate to GNWT policy and program development, land claims issues, park development, Constitutional development, decentralization and natural resource projects.
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. Priorities and Planning SecretariatThe records were generated by the Constitutional Development Steering Committee (Western Arctic). The file contains a letter from Premier Don Morin concerning devolution and the creation of Nunuvut and the balance of public and self-government. The file also contains a response signed by Prime Minister Jean Chretien.
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. Cabinet SecretariatRecords date from 1980-1994 and include meeting minutes, correspondence, reports, and records of decision produced by the Priorities and Planning Committee which worked within the Priorities and Planning Secretariat to review initiatives, programs or policies before going before Executive Members. Records also include minutes and correspondence generated by the Political and Constitutional Development committee.
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. Priorities and Planning SecretariatRecords include correspondence, reports, and meeting minutes on topics related to constitutional development and land claims, including devolution of powers from the federal government to the GNWT, GNWT participation in First Ministers' Conferences, the Northern Energy Accord, the Dene/Metis land claim, the Committee for Original Peoples Entitlement (COPE/Inuvialuit) land claim, and Division of the NWT.
Northwest Territories. Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development SecretariatThis accession consists of records relating to the Constitutional Alliance (and Western Constitutional Forum) created and collected by the Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development Secretariat of the Department of the Executive.The records include correspondence, meeting materials, bylaws, activity and progress reports, action plans, financial records, news releases, motions, and agreements.
Northwest Territories. Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development SecretariatThe majority of the records were created by the Aboriginal Affairs Division and Aboriginal Relations and Constitutional Development Secretariat, which were part of the Department of the Executive. The Self Government Division, Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, created the remainder of the records. Records date from 1973-1998 and include policy development files and procedures related to self government cost sharing, formula financing, and grants and contributions, strategic planning documents, files related to organizational structure of Aboriginal Affairs Division and reorganization when it separated from the Department of the Executive and became its own entity, and a devolution framework agreement including a Memorandum of Understanding between Aboriginal Affairs and Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND). There are also meeting minutes and work plans from Director’s Meetings, Deputy Minister Meetings, Senior Management Committee Meetings, Ministerial Briefing Notes, and Briefing Notes for the Intergovernmental Core Group, which included DIAND and Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs. The bulk of the records were created by committees and working groups where Aboriginal Affairs was the lead agency or represented the GNWT on Federal Committees. There are committee records from the following: Devolution Working Group, Community Transfer Committee, Operational Review Committee, Traditional Knowledge Interdepartmental Working Group that addressed Traditional Knowledge within the Ministry, Federal/Territorial Core Group that dealt with constitutional reform, land claims and devolution, Constitutional Development Steering Committee, Federal/Territorial Special Joint Committee on Internal Relations, and the Services Review Committee that reviewed GNWT services to Aboriginal people. The Ministry chaired this committee that also included DIAND and Dene Nation. In addition, files related to the Dene/Metis Land Claim negotiations were kept including correspondence and committee work (Inherent Right Committee) on negotiating the Agreement in Principle between the GNWT and Dene Nation.
In addition, there are records from workshops and meetings that were funded and organized by the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs including Land Claims Implementation interjurisdictional workshop, Dene Nation and Metis Nation Annual General Assemblies, and Northern Leaders Conference that was organized by the Ministry in order for stakeholders such as Committee for Original Peoples Entitlement (COPE), and Dene Nation to discuss and have input into Bill C-48 (Canada Oil and Gas Act), as well as devolution issues.
The remainder of the records relate to committee and working groups that Aboriginal Affairs would have monitored and provided expert advice such as submissions for the Land Claims and Self Government interface, Territorial Interest Working Group, Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Self Government discussion paper, Provincial/Territorial Treaties and Self Government Working Group, Nunavut Implementation Committee, and Wright Report on Devolution. There is also one file regarding the NWT Supreme Court Decision regarding the Indian Land application by Chief Francois Paulette.
This accession consists of records relating to the development of a new constitution for the western part of the Northwest Territories, in anticipation of the division with Nunavut, by the Commission for Constitutional Development. Much of the Commission's work related to conducting community hearings, receiving submissions, and issuing reports of recommendations.
The records include administrative records such as terms of reference, incorporation documents, bylaws, dissolution documents, meeting minutes, correspondence, the "How Can We Live Together" public discussion paper, press releases, news clippings, contractor and secondment agreements, contribution agreements, budgets and workplans, financial statements, travel expense summaries, and purchase order records.
The records also include hearing and reporting records such as written submissions, presentations and speaking notes, verbatim transcripts of community hearings, hearing schedules, research and reference materials, workshop records, and records relating to the "Towards Our Common Future" discussion paper, Issue Summary Report, Interim Report, and "Working Toward A Common Future" final report.
This accession consists of an annotated copy of the "Summary of Report of the Advisory Commission on the Development of Government in the Northwest Territories" (Carrothers Commission 1966) and a complete sequence of Tuesday Letters (8 Dec. 1964 to 16 Jan. 1967), which were informal newsletters from Mr. Sivertz to the members of the NWT Council.
Sivertz, BenThe sound recordings include (:0001) C. M. "Bud" Drury (Office of the Special Representative for Constitutional Development in the Northwest Territories) press conference, 19 Dec. 1977, Cairns was the reporter, and (:0002) an election campaign interview Cairns conducted with George Erasmus on 5 May 1979. The textual records consist of two items from the records of the Yellowknife Daycare Association.
Cairns, Rosemary2 of the audiocassettes contain a recording of a public forum held in Yelowknife on April 24, 1997 to discuss NWT constutional issues. Speaking at the forum, which was hosted by the NWT Area Council of the United Steelworkers of America were Steve Iveson, Bob MacQuarrie, and Stephen Kakfwi. The other two audiocassettes are recordings of an all-candiates forum for the 1997 federal election hosted by Alternatives North.