Records include budget papers concerning capital expenditures, and operational and maintenance costs in the Northwest Territories. The budget papers are divided at a primary level between Vote 45 funds (Administration, Operation and Maintenance) and Vote 50 funds (Capital and Construction). These primary levels are then further sub-divided between Branch Administration (BA), Education (E), Welfare and Industrial Division (W&I), Yukon Territory field operations (YT) and Northwest Territories field operations (NWT). The records include estimates, expenditure statements and capital substantiation reports.
Records include financial information and correspondence regarding funding to schools, school districts, student residences, and education centres, as well as contracts for catering and other administrative services. Communities represented include Hay River, Rae-Edzo (Behchoko), Yellowknife, Frobisher Bay (Iqaluit), and the Adult Vocational Training Centre in Fort Smith.
Records include program administration files and cost-shared program files relating to housing in Rae-Edzo (Behchoko), including homeownership programs, rent scale harmonization, housing inventory assessment, and staff housing.
Northwest Territories. NWT Housing Corporation. North Slave District OfficeRecords relate to non-insured health benefits agreements with the federal government of Canada.
Northwest Territories. Department of Health and Social Services. Financial Services divisionRecords include agreements, correspondence, audits and claims regarding federal transfer payments and health service provision.
Northwest Territories. Department of Health and Social Services. Financial Services divisionRecords include audit files for various Hamlets, Hunters and Trappers Associations and craft shops, as well as files relating to Audit Committee Meetings, Manager's Reports and organization charts.
Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive. Audit BureauRecords relate to the Intergovernmental Committee on Federal/Territorial Financial Relations from 1981-1984. There are briefing notes, preparation material and reports from this committee. There are also Main Estimates from 1979-1980 for the following GNWT departments: Local Government, Public Works and Highways, Personnel, Social Services, Economic Development and Tourism, Finance, Education, Health and Planning and Program Evaluation.
Northwest Territories. Financial Management Board Secretariat. Financial Planning divisionRecords include chronos from the office of the Secretary of the FMB. Records also include reports related to finances such as formula financing, and the fiscal relationship between federal government and GNWT.
Records include operational plans, performance measurement files; Main Estimate Notes, Budget Notes, and Standing Committee on Finance records. Records date from 1965-1993, though the bulk of the material dates from the 1980s and 1990s.
Northwest Territories. Financial Management Board Secretariat. Budgeting and Evaluation divisionRecords date from 1995 and consist of Deputy Minister and Ministerial chronos.
Northwest Territories. Financial Management Board Secretariat. DirectorateRecords consist of the minutes of the FMBS Senior Management Committee (SMC).
Northwest Territories. Financial Management Board Secretariat. DirectorateRecords consist of the minutes of the Financial Management Board Secretariat Senior Management Committee (SMC).
Records date from 1985-1997 and include filess related to various government initiatives and programs that were reviewed and evaluated by the FMBS. Records include departmental implementation plans, and the FMBS response to the document Footprints 2 that was created by the Nunavut Implementation Committee and records from the Division Planning Committee. The records also include correspondence between the FMBS and GNWT departments, executive summaries and discussion papers related to the FMBS involvement and review of GNWT departmental policies and programs such as the Community Futures program, South Slave Divisional Board of Education, Social Assistance Program transfer, reorganization of Municipal and Community Affairs, reorganization of Economic Development and Tourism, and programs and policies within the Departments of Transportation; Public Works and Services; Education, Culture and Employment; and the NWT Power Corporation. There are also files related to the development of the Main Estimates, work of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCOF) and the operational plans sent to the FMBS by GNWT departments for review by FMBS for inclusion in the Main Estimates. The remaining files relate to FMBS strategic planning.
Northwest Territories. Financial Management Board Secretariat. Budgeting and Evaluation divisionRecords date from 1991-1998 and include Ministerial and Deputy Minister chronos. In addition, there are working files from the FMBS led Affirmative Action Task Group that were responsible for reviewing the GNWT Affirmative Action policy. There are also records related to a FMBS review on the Business Incentive Policy (BIP), minutes from FMBS Senior Management Committee meetings, as well as correspondence, legal opinions, Memorandum of Understanding between the GNWT and NWT Teachers Association (NWTTA) and court decisions related to the collective bargaining between GNWT and NWTTA. There is also a report on the Financial Impact of Division and package of material summarizing development work on the proposed government structure in Nunavut. This material was sent to FMBS for review and prepared by Coopers and Lybrand.
Northwest Territories. Financial Management Board Secretariat. DirectorateRecords are comprised of Secretary of the FMB Comptroller General chronos (Deputy Minister) (Lew Voytilla) and Chairman chronos (Ministerial) (John Todd) from 1997.
Records date from 1995-1996 and contain correspondence and minutes from the Capital Planning Committee.
Northwest Territories. Financial Management Board Secretariat. Budgeting and Evaluation divisionRecords date from 1996-2001 and relate to the administration of the Aurora Fund. Records include minutes, and agendas from Board of Directors meetings and Credit Committee meetings. The files also include financial statements.
Records date from 1990-2000 and include operational files concerning FMBS review of GNWT initiatives such as community empowerment, public service revitalization, division planning, Affirmative Action and the Business Incentive Policy (BIP). There are also copies of correspondence, decision papers, reports and submissions concerning the FMBS review of departmental initiatives from the following: Education, Culture and Employment (ECE); NWT Housing Corporation; NWT Power Corporation; Municipal and Community Affairs; Justice; Health and Social Services; Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED); as well as the Financial Management Board Secretariat. In addition, there are records related to program design and evaluation for ECE programs, policy development for the Executive and RWED. The remaining records include files concerning GNWT business planning, Main Estimate development, budget development, Minister’s briefing books on the budget and reports from the Standing Committee on Finance review of the Main Estimates and Operations and Maintenance, as well as agendas, minutes and correspondence created by the P3 Management Committee.
Northwest Territories. Financial Management Board Secretariat. Budgeting and Evaluation divisionRecords include outgoing chronos from the Minister's and Deputy Minister's office. The records also include files related to the division of assets with the division of the Northwest Territories and the creation of Nunavut in 1999.
Northwest Territories. Financial Management Board Secretariat. DirectorateIt includes records related to the planning and implementation of division of the Northwest Territories in 1999. These records include plans for the transition to new government structures as well as some associated costs. Also included are outgoing Ministerial and Deputy Minister chronos.
Northwest Territories. Financial Management Board Secretariat. Directorate